使者穆罕默德 (مُحَمَّـد)是最後也是最好的使者及先知

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad , the best and last Prophet


真主الله))所創造的宇宙萬物當中,最好的就是使者們及先知們,而他們其中最好的就是使者穆罕默德(مُحَمَّـد ),此事實在古蘭經(القُرْءَان)及聖訓(حَدِيث)中已經提到

قال الله تعالى :" وكلاً فضلنا على العالمين "سورة الانعام 6/63

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أنا سيد ولد ءادم يوم القيامة ولا فخر" رواه الترمذي

真主الله))的所有使者及先知(عليهم الصلاة والسلام)。
第一位被 真主الله))派來的使者及先知是亞當(ءَادَم)使者(
عليه السلام ), 而最後一位使者及先知就是使者穆罕默德 (مُحَمَّـد)
الله))給每一位使者及先知奇蹟,而 真主الله))給使者穆罕默德 (مُحَمَّـد)更多的奇蹟
Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad is the best and last Prophet. There are many different proofs that Mu'hammad is the best and last Prophet. These proofs are found in the Qur'an and Ha'dith.

The best human beings are the Prophets (may Allah increase their honor), and the best Prophet is our beloved prophet Mu'hammad
gave our beloved prophet Mu'hammad
miracles, which were as great or greater than the miracles he gave to other Prophets.

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信仰的基礎 (初三)
(Basic Belief)

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