
以下是使者穆罕默德 (ãõÍóãøóÜÏ)曾經提到過有關:  
The following are among the things prophet Mu'hammad Salah_prophet.GIF (1149 bytes) related to us.

墳墓裡有痛苦及享樂ÚÐÇÈ ÇáÞÈÑ æäÚíãå
( ÔøõÜåóÏÇÁ)1即使他們是非虔誠的穆斯林也會有享樂
*Torture and pleasure in the grave

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad Salah_prophet.GIF (1149 bytes) told us there is:

1) Torture in the grave for those who deserve to be tortured.2) Pleasure in the grave for the Ta'qi (those who did all that they were required to do by God and stayed away from those things God forbid them to do), and those who were not Ta'qi, but were Shu'ha'da' (those who died fighting for Islam).

有兩位天使會審問亡人(ÓÄÇá Çáãáßíä ãäßÑ æäßíÑ): 
要相信在墳墓裡會有兩位天使審問亡人,這兩位天使的顏色又黑又藍,第一位稱之為「ãõäúßóÜÑñ」,第二位稱之為「äóßöíÑñó他們會審問亡人一些使者穆罕默德 (ãõÍóãøóÜÏ)問題。使者們、先知們、烈士們( ÔøõÜåóÏÇÁ)以及兒童(即未達到穆斯林規定的成熟年齡就過世的人)都不會被審問。
*Questioning by Angels in the grave

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad Salah_prophet.GIF (1149 bytes) told us there is:
Questioning by Angels in the grave. Two Angels who are bluish-black in color will question the Muslims and the ku'ffar to whom our beloved prophet Mu'hammad Salah_prophet.GIF (1149 bytes) was sent. The Prophets, Ashshu'hada', and children (children defined in Islam are those who died before they reached puberty) will not be questioned.

*Resurrection (Al-ba'^th)

Resurrection (Al-ba'^th) is the resurrection of all people, Ji'n and animals. They will be raised from their graves. Even if their bodies decayed, they will be raised and they will appear as they did when they were alive.

*The gathering of people on the plain (Ha'shr)
People will be gathered on the Day of Judgment.
要相信審判日。審判日是從死後復活時開始,直到該永遠住在天園者進入天園,該永遠住在火獄者進入火獄時結束。在那時候,一個人的所作所為將會被審判,有的人會受到懲罰,有的人則不會。非穆斯林以及那些有罪而沒有被 真主(Çááå)恕饒的穆斯林 (ãõÓúáöã)將會進入火獄;有罪的穆斯林 (ãõÓúáöã)的懲罰(痛苦)有一定的期限,但是非穆斯林的懲罰(痛苦)將永遠不會結束。  
*The Day of Judgment (Al-qi'yama'h)

This begins with the resurrection of the dead and ends when all those who will be in Heaven for eternity are in Heaven, and all those who will be in Hell for eternity are in Hell.
During this time all people will be judged according to what they did in this life. Some people will not suffer. Some people will suffer. In Hell, the non-Muslims and the Muslims Allah did not forgive will suffer. There will be an end to the suffering of the Muslims. There will be no end to the suffering of the non-Muslims.

要相信人們的所作所為將要在這個天秤上被秤,非穆斯林在今世所作所為的善事在後世將不會有任何報酬,因為他們沒有相信 真主(Çááå)以及 祂的使者。
*The scale

There is a scale with pans and a fulcrum on which deeds are weighed. The non-Muslims have no good credit for their deeds because they did not believe in Allah .



We are required to believe in the existence of Hell and the torture in it. Non-Muslims will be in Hell forever.


Assi'rat, this is a bridge which connects the plain on which people are gathered to Heaven. Assi'rat extends over Hell.

要相水池 (ÇáÜúÍóæúÖ)水池 (ÇáÜúÍóæúÖ)是一個地方,其中有水,穆斯林)們進入天園之前將會喝其中的水。每一個先知都有他的 水池 (ÇáÜúÍóæúÖ)而跟隨者將會喝他們所跟隨的那位先知的 水池裡的水,穆斯林們喝了此水池的水之後,他們就永遠不會有渴的感覺。  

Al-ha'wd is a place from which Muslims drink before entering Heaven. Each Prophet has a Ha'wd. The followers of each particular Prophet will drink from that Prophet's Ha'wd. After drinking from a Ha'wd, the Muslim will never feel thirsty again.

(ÔóÜåóÏÇÁ)以及那些誠實可靠的並且切實實行所教授的穆斯林學者們都會求 真主(Çááå)恕饒一些有罪的穆斯林 說情有兩種:
一種是:為那些將要進入火獄的 穆斯林們說情,使他們可以不必進入火獄。
另一種是:為那些已經受到火獄懲罰的穆斯林們說情,使他們提早從火獄中出來,而縮短了他們的刑期。因為有這些好的 穆斯林才使那些有罪的穆斯林們得到此好處。
*Sha'fa^a'h (Intercession)

The Prophets, Angels, those who died fighting for Islam, and the scholars who taught Islam and applied what they learned to themselves will ask Allah to forgive some other Muslims. Some of those Muslims who deserved to be tortured in Hell will be forgiven, and some of those who suffer in Hell will have a shorter period of torture. These Muslims are saved from torture due to the good Muslims mentioned above asking Allah to forgive them (those Muslims who deserved to be tortured). This is called Sha'fa^a'h (intercession).

要相天園的存在,並且要相信其中的享樂 ,穆斯林們將會永遠住在其中,絕不會離開那兒,也不會死亡。穆斯林們以他們的身體及靈魂一體享樂天園。天園中最大的享樂就是看見不佔空間也無形體
() 真主(Çááå)

We are required to believe in the existence of Heaven and the pleasure the Muslim will have there. The pleasure is both of the body and the spirit. The greatest pleasure in Heaven will be to see Allah without a place or shape. Muslims will be in Heaven forever.

Úáíåã   ÇáÓáÇã )
他們是由光被 真主

We are required to believe in the Angels.
Angels are beings Allah created to worship Him.
Allah created Angels from light.
They are completely obedient to Allah .
They are neither male nor female.
They do not eat, sleep nor drink.

他們是由火被 真主
他們當中第一個被 真主
(Çááå)創造的就是撒旦 (ÔóÜíØÇä),他是他們的祖先。
他們有兩種:不信 伊斯蘭
*真主(Çááå)差遣的所有使者、先知們及使者們Úáíåã   ÇáÓáÇã )所受到的經典。
*相信使者穆罕默德 (ãõÍóãøóÜÏ)是最後也是最好的使者及先知。
(不可能有任何一件事情是憑著 真主以外的能力或意願而發生)

Some of what the Prophet Mu'hammad  related

We are required to believe in the following:
We are required to believe in God's Messengers.
We are required to believe in the books Allah sent to His Messengers.
We are required to believe that Mu'hammad was the last Prophet and Messenger and the best creation.
We are required to believe that all things both good and bad happen according to God's will.

These are among the things our beloved prophet Mu'hammad related to us:




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信仰的基礎 (初三)
(Basic Belief)

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