KUFR 的進一步例子

Further examples of ku'fr

如果一個非穆斯林來問,如何成為一個穆斯林,你要立刻叫他說:"我作証除了 真主(Çááå)以外都不值得崇拜,穆罕默德(ãõÍóãøóÜÏ ) 祂的使者 "(入教者)時內心舉意,說出以上兩句話的目的是為了成為 穆斯林,必須拋棄那些任何與伊斯蘭相矛盾的事情。如果你讓他等候,或在教他如何成為穆斯之前叫他去做其它的事情,你就變成了非穆斯林(ßóÇÝöÜÑ )。即使讓他等待的時間只是片刻,這表示你接受他保持片刻非穆斯林的身份,而這行為是「KUFR」。

* To allow anyone, who is asking how to become Muslim, to remain non-Muslim, even for a moment is ku'fr. If someone comes and asks you how to become Muslim, you tell him to say, "I firmly believe that no one and nothing deserves to be worshipped except God, and Mu'hammad is His Prophet and Messenger," with the intent to become Muslim and leave anything that contradicts that belief. To tell someone to wait, or to do anything else before telling him how to become Muslim is ku'fr. Because by allowing him to wait for even a moment, you are agreeing for him to stay non-Muslim for a moment, and that is ku'fr.

* It is very important when mentioning ku'fr stated by someone else to mention that it was that person who made the statement, either directly before or after you mention the statement. If someone repeats ku'fr, or writes ku'fr without relating it to those who said it, it causes him to leave Islam, whether he believes the ku'fr or not.
For example, if someone was talking about statements that Christians make in order to show how ignorant they are, and he was mentioning the following statement, he needs to say, "Christians say that Jesus is the son of God." If the speaker does not use something like the phrase, "Christians say," either before or after the rest of the statement, in order to relate it to someone else, then the speaker has left Islam, even if he does not believe the statement.

* To help someone commit ku'fr is ku'fr. To be happy with someone's ku'fr is ku'fr.



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信仰的基礎 (初三)
(Basic Belief)

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