KUFR」的型式可分三種اقسام الـرِّدَّة):

     ()言語上的「KUFR  الْكُـفْـرُ القولي

     ()行為上的「KUFR」  الْكُـفْـرُ الفعلي

     ()內心上的「KUFR」  الْكُـفْـرُ الإعتقادي

There are three types of ku'fr:

1. Sayings

2. Deeds

3. Beliefs


()言語上的「KUFRالْكُـفْـرُ القولي:

說出任何有否認、不敬、或嘲弄 真主(الله)、先知們﹑天使們﹑古蘭經(القُرْءَان)伊斯蘭(الإسْـلام)的話。

  قال الله تعالى : " يحلفون بالله ما قالوا ولقد قالوا كلمة الكفر وكفروا بعد اسلامهم"   سوره التوبة9/73 





如果有人說:真主(الله)佔空間或在某一個方向(例如住在 天上或地上)

如果有人說:真主(الله)佔空間或在某一個方向(例如住在 天上或地上)

如果有人說:耶穌是 真主(الله)的兒子或三位一體。


如果有人說:Ghulam Ahma’d Al-Qa’dyani」(他是一個巴基斯坦人,

他死於一百多年前)是使者或先知。因為在古蘭經 (القُرْءَان)聖訓 (حَدِيث

中已經很明顯的提到使者穆罕默德(مُحَمَّـد ) 是最後一位使者及先知

قال الله تعالى "وخا تَِـم النبيِّن"  سورة لاحزاب  40/33

وقال رسول الله :"وخُتِم بيَ النبيّون" رواه مسلم


以上所提到的是 言語上的「KUFR 的例子


Sayings that are ku'fr

Sayings: Any saying that denies, disrespects or makes fun of God, the Prophets, the Angels, the Qur'an or the Islamic religion is ku'fr.

Examples of sayings that are ku'fr :

The following sayings are ku'fr:

  1. It is ku'fr to say that God has a body.

  2. It is ku'fr to say God is in a place such as Heaven.

  3. It is ku'fr to say that Jesus is the son of God.

  4. It is ku'fr to say it is all right for someone else to follow a religion other than Islam.

  5. If someone says "God is in Heaven and all is right with the world", this is ku'fr.

  6. If someone says that there is a Prophet after the Prophet Muhammad , this is ku'fr.

  7. If someone claims Ghulam Ahma'd Al-Qa'dyani is a Prophet, this is ku'fr. Even if he claims that he is not an independent Prophet, but is in the shadow of the Prophethood of our beloved prophet Mu'hammad , this is still ku'fr. There is an 'aya'h in the Qur'an that means that our beloved prophet Mu'hammad is the last Prophet.

All of these are examples of sayings that are ku'fr.


()行為上的「KUFRالْكُـفْـرُ الفعلي

做任何有否認、不敬、或嘲弄 真主(الله)、先知們、天使們、古蘭經(القُرْءَان)伊斯蘭      (الإسْـلام)的動作或行為。

قال الله تعالى:"لا تسجدوا للشمس ولا للقمر واسجدوا لله"   41/37 سوره فصّلت


十字架具有其他教的象徵,真主(الله)只接受伊斯蘭 (الإسْـلام)(3:19/85)
如果一個人把 真主(الله)尊名丟在垃圾。
但是如果他的舉意  不是為了崇拜,而是因為尊敬他而行禮,那不算是

以上所提到的是 行為上的 KUFR的例子。


Deeds: Any deed or action that denies, disrespects or makes fun of God, the Prophets, the Angels, the Qur'an or the Islamic religion is ku'fr.

Examples of deeds that are ku'fr:

The following are examples of deeds that are ku'fr:

  1. If someone throws the Qur'an in the trash.

  2. If someone wears a cross believing it is all right to do so. This is ku'fr because the cross is the sign of another religion, and God only accepts Islam.

  3. If someone throws the name of God in the trash.

  4. If someone does a Su'jud (kneels on the ground placing his forehead on the ground) to the sun or fire, this is ku'fr. If someone does a Su'jud to a human to worship him, this is ku'fr, if it is not done to worship him it is not ku'fr, but it is forbidden (Ha'ram).

All of these are examples of deeds that are ku'fr.

(三)內心上的「KUFR」الْكُـفْـرُ الإعتقادي

相信任何有否認、嘲弄、或對 真主(الله)、先知們、天使們、古蘭經(القُرْءَان)伊斯蘭 (الإسْـلام) 有所不敬的事項。  

 قال الله تعالى:" تشابهت قلوبهم" سورةالبقرة 2/118  
وقال أيضا 
"  إنما المؤمنون الّدين آمنوا بالله و رسوله ثم لم يرتابواسوره الحجرات49/15  

以下是一些內心上的 KUFR的例子:

如果有人認為 真主(الله)是佔空間的。
(مُحَمَّـد )以後,還會有先知或使者。  

以上所提到的是一些 內心上的 KUFR的例子。


Beliefs that are ku'fr

Beliefs: Any belief that denies, disrespects or makes fun of God, the Prophets, the Angels, the Qur'an or the Islamic religion is ku'fr.

Examples of beliefs that are ku'fr :

The following are beliefs that are ku'fr. whether a person says it or not, just to believe it is ku'fr:

  1. If someone believes that God is in a place.

  2. If someone does not believe in the torture in Hell.

  3. If someone believes it is all right to commit adultery.

  4. If someone does not believe in the pleasure in Heaven.

  5. If someone believes that stealing is allowed.

  6. If someone denies something which is known to be Ha'ram by both scholars and lay Muslims, such as believing that to drink alcohol is allowed, this is ku'fr.

All of these are examples of beliefs that are ku'fr.


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信仰的基礎 (初三)
(Basic Belief)

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