
الفرق بين النبي والرسول


       每一位使者(الرَّسُول)都是先知(النَّبِيُّ)但並不是每一位先知都是使者。 所謂的使者就是:受到 真主(الله)啟示的男士,同時也帶來了與前一位使者一些不同的規定,也就是帶新的規定來。而先知就是受到真主(الله)啟示的男士,並且按照(他)前一位使者所帶來的規定來教導人們伊斯蘭 (الإسْـلام)也就是說不曾帶新的規定來。但使者先知都會將 真主(الله)命令他們傳達的啟示傳達給人們。

Difference between Prophets and Messengers

All Messengers were Prophets, but not all Prophets were Messengers. A Prophet is a man who received the revelation to follow and teach Islam according to the rules of the Messenger who came before him. A Messenger is a man who not only received the revelation to teach Islam, but the revelation also included some changes in some of the rules of the religion from the Messenger before him.

中文首 頁

信仰的基礎 (初三)
(Basic Belief)

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